Planned Giving Marketing to Seniors: What Should We Do and What Should We Avoid
John W. Jensen | Sharpe Group
Your Best Prospect Conversion Plays
Tracy Malloy-Curtis | Mal Warwick/Donordigital
Tools for Projecting Bequest Revenue: How to Build a Reliable Budget
Charlotte Meyer | Ocean Conservancy
Making the Most of Planned Giving Opinion Surveys
Dana Kaufman | Smithsonian Institution
Evolution of Philanthropy: How Will This Influence Planned Giving Programs?
Avery Tucker Fontaine | BNY Mellon
Visual Storytelling for Planned Giving Marketing
Elissa Leif & Barbara Haupt | MiniMatters
How To Generate Leads and Uncover Hidden Legacy Gifts with Donor Surveys
Greg Warner | Market Smart
Developing Your Skills as a Planned Giving Professional
Karen Gallardo | Best Friends Animal Society
Whose Subject Line is it Anyway?
Kyle Richardson | Crescendo
How to Cultivate Donors when they Won’t Take Your Phone Calls
Kathy Swayze | Impact Communications, Inc.
Make All Your Asks Bilingual – Successful Outright and Deferrer Asks
Gayle Union | Marine Corps Heritage Foundation