Donate to the Scholarship Fund
Help NCGPC provide scholarships to those who wish to attend the Planned Giving Day Conference but cannot afford to do so! Make your tax-deductible donation today, and help scholars who want to:
- Expand their knowledge of planned giving
- Transition into fundraising and, in particular, planned giving for a new career path
- Acquire new skills in planned giving to supplement their annual or major giving roles at their organizations
- Develop relationships with experienced planned giving professionals and discover new career opportunities
Please make a donation to the Planned Giving Day Scholarship Fund, which includes Diverse Communities Scholarships:
- Donate to the PG Day General Scholarship Fund, which includes Diverse Communities Scholarships (appropriate for all members and donors)
NCGPC would like to recognize individual contributors, which may include listing your name during the upcoming Planned Giving Day Conference. Your name will NOT be associated with the dollar amount of your gift. If you prefer to remain completely anonymous for your gift, please contact us.
Donations submitted through donation forms on this site are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law and are processed in U.S. dollars. The National Capital Gift Planning Council (NCGPC) is a member in good standing of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP), an Indiana nonprofit corporation (EIN 52-1540518) recognized as exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.