Call for Presentations

NCGPC is no longer accepting presentation proposals for PG Day 2024. PG Day 2024 will be held June 6, 2024, at American University Washington College of Law.

We will have three breakout session tracks this year.

  • Donor Engagement – Planned giving is all about the relationship. This track focuses on building relationships with your donors and prospects through marketing, personalized engagement, and stewardship.
  • Behind the Scenes – A strong planned giving program is built on the behind-the-scenes systems and operations highlighted in this track, like estate administration, recruitment and retention of planned giving staff, and other best practices.
  • Getting Technical – Technicalities like taxes, laws, and gift structures can maximize a donor’s giving potential. Learn about or refresh yourself on the technical details in this track.

Learn more about our past sessions and presenters, and let us know if we can assist you!