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Tracks – 1st Day

May 25, 2017 @ 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Fundamentals Track

Introduction of planned giving fundamentals for professionals with 0-2 years of experience

 Sponsored by: BNY Mellon

Dean: Hannah S. Olson | Director of Major and Planned Gifts – The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, United Jewish Endowment Fund


Session 1:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 1:30 – 2:30 PM

Getting Started in Planned Giving
Valeria Lassiter | CEO – Lassiter and Associates

Are you just getting started in planned giving? This workshop is designed to teach the fundamentals of securing planned gifts and how to integrate planned giving into your overarching fundraising strategy. This introductory session will deepen your knowledge and comfort level by exploring institutional readiness, the donor lifecycle, and incorporating planned giving in the “ask.”

Level: Beginner


Session 2:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 2:45 – 3:45 PM

Think Like a Donor: Planned Giving Basics 
Pamela Spears, FAHP, CFRE, APR | Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving – Jewish Social Service Agency


The donors’ wishes come first, especially in planned giving. Learn how you can help your donors achieve their charitable goals and grow your planned giving program by listening to your donors and understanding their needs.

Level: Beginner


Session 3:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 4:00 – 5:00 PM

Collaboration, Communication, and Competency to Implement Complex Charitable Planning Structures: Practical Guidance for the Entire Planning Team
Jason E. Havens | Senior Counsel – Holland & Knight
Bill Sutton | Head of Client Philanthropy – UBS, U.S.
Carol G. Kroch | Administrative Vice President, Managing Director, Wealth and Philanthropic Planning – Wilmington Trust


Three experienced advisors will discuss how the entire planning team can – and should – collaborate in order to implement more advanced charitable planning structures, from complex bequests and gifts to charitable trusts to supporting organizations. This session also will emphasize the importance of understanding the donor’s goals and working together to achieve them, both during the donor’s lifetime and after the donor passes away. The panel will illustrate with “war stories,” including battles won and lost, and will offer practical suggestions on how to improve outcomes for charities and donors alike. This will be an interactive panel discussion, so please bring your questions!

Level: All Levels


Donor Relations Track

Best practices in planned giving prospect identification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship

Sponsored by: Crescendo Interactive
Dean: Anna Simmonds | Director, Bequests and Annuities – The Nature Conservancy


Session 1:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 1:30 – 2:30 PM

Donor Relations Fundamentals: Position Yourself and Your Organization for Success
Melanie Hildreth | Vice President for External Relations – Institute for Justice


Building strong donor relations starts with having the right principles and systems in place to make it easy for you to fulfill your promises to donors and exceed expectations. In this session we will talk about how to approach relationships with donors as friends and allies, and about the nuts and bolts of administrative systems to help you keep those relationships progressing smoothly and efficiently. We will also include time for discussion of common challenges and share strategies and best practices for overcoming them. Bring your questions and plan to offer your own advice and encouragement!


Level: Beginner


Session 2:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 2:45 – 3:45 PM

Fundraising the Dale Carnegie Way
Tim Logan, CFRE, ACFRE, FAHP | Principal – The TimLogan Group

How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the bestselling books of all times–and it has quite a bit to say about fundraising. In this fast-paced session, you will discover human relations tips on getting along with donors and how to position your case. You will also learn Dale Carnegie’s fundamental techniques for getting along with people—your family, co-workers, donors, your team, etc., his tips for making people like you, and his techniques for being a better leader.

Level: Beginner/Intermediate


Session 3:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 4:00 – 5:00 PM

The Science of “The Why” Behind Legacy Giving
Kiki Koutmeridou | Behavioral Science Strategist – DonorVoice

Why do people make legacy gifts, what are the barriers and how should you frame the ask? The world of behavioral science has answers to these 3 critical questions. This session will cover the theory, evidence and application of behavioral science learnings to identify the ‘why’ and apply it in market while also removing barriers.

Level: All Levels


Marketing & Communications Track

From tried and true to cutting-edge, ideas that work for every size organization


Sponsored by: SmartGiving

Dean: Susan Fersner | Senior Associate Director of Gift Planning – University of Virginia

Session 1:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 1:30 – 2:30 PM

Being Heard – Applying Principles of Communication and Persuasion in Planned Giving
Steve Clark | Assistant Vice President for Gift Planning – Virginia Tech


An outstanding gift plan is useless if the donor doesn’t understand it. Or is unmoved by it. While planning is a part of the role of fundraisers and advisors, skills equally critical for success are communication and persuasion. This presentation will review principles of communication and persuasion, so you can be more able to help donors consider supporting their favorite charities.


Level: All Levels


Session 2:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 2:45 – 3:45 PM

How to Survive – and Thrive – As A Solo Planned Giving Officer
Ted Sudol, J.D. | Managing Director, Carter – Advancing Philanthropy Worldwide

You’re the sole planned giving officer. Your to-do list has no shortage of tasks. But communications/marketing never reach the top. Sometimes you wonder what tools you need to create effective strategic marketing initiatives. You’re not alone; this challenge is not new. This session is the one for you. In this talk designed specifically for planned giving officers in small and one-person shops, long-time lawyer/gift planner Ted Sudol draws on four decades of experience in philanthropy to open his toolbox of insights and tips to optimize marketing opportunities. You’ll leave confident you’ve the tools for creative communications/marketing to support your gift planning.


Level: Beginner/Intermediate


Session 3:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 4:00 – 5:00 PM

The Grandparents are on Facebook: Social Media’s Impact on Planned Giving Marketing
Michael Hutney | Director of Business Development – Stelter
Steve Maughan | Senior Director, Planned Gifts and Estates – The Humane Society of the United States
Cara Holland | Deputy Director, Digital Acquisition Marketing – The Humane Society of the United States


Nonprofits have more communication tools to engage with their planned giving donors than ever before. Since the launch of the iPad in 2011, seniors are more engaged than ever in social media. For example, the average person on Facebook is a 63-year-old female. This presentation will showcase The Humane Society of the United States’ successful planned giving social media program partnered with Stelter’s interactive web solutions. The case study will demonstrate to the audience the immediate and positive impacts, in gift expec­tancies, planned giving leads and new donor acquisition. Attendees will be provided with immediate steps on how to integrate social media into their marketing practices.

Level: Beginner/Intermediate


Advanced Track

Challenging the status quo with fresh ideas for seasoned professionals with 10+ years of experience

Sponsored by: Campbell & Company

Dean: Evelyn Morgner | Director, Planned Giving and Transformational Gift Services – United Way Worldwide


Session 1:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 1:30 – 2:30 PM

Board and Leadership Development Are Keys to Success
Irena Djordjevic- Behery | Vice President, Talent Management and Board Development – United Way Worldwide
John Kendrick | Assistant Vice President of Development, Planned Giving – The George Washington University

Engaging and activating your Board and your leadership can enhance your fundraising results. Key to your success is ensuring that your Board and leadership understand the role that they play in developing an effective resource development strategy, and enhanc­ing income for your organization. In this interactive session, we will explore Board and leadership development in a locally grounded worldwide organization as well as techniques for managing an Advisory Board in the context of a multi-unit university including planned giving initiatives for the Board.


Level: Advanced


Session 2:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 2:45 – 3:45 PM

Blended Giving: Influencing Both the Donor’s Mindset and Your Organization’s Culture
Ed Cadogan | Senior Associate Director of Gift Planning – The Nature Conservancy
Sara Eigenberg, J.D., | Deputy Director of Planned Giving and Endowments – United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Collaboration among a nonprofit’s leaders and staff is the starting point for better results when taking a donor-focused approach to major current and planned gifts fundraising. Blended gifts can be of significant benefit to any charitable organization. By allowing donors to make transformational donations that help fulfill their philanthropic and financial goals, you can create a more donor-focused approach to major outright and planned gift fundraising, while also providing a more sustained income stream to support your organization’s critical mission. Join us for this interactive session.


Level: Advanced


Session 3:

Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 4:00 – 5:00 PM  

Impact Investing: Friend or Foe?
Phil Cubeta, MSFS, CLU®, ChFC®, CAP® | The Wallace Chair in Philanthropy – The American College of Financial Services

Millennials and their parents are increasingly turning to impact investing to express their ideals, and make money. Where does that leave you as a fundraiser? Will your best donors turn to impact investing, rather than giving to you? In this facilitated conversation, we will learn from your peers as we explore what is happening at our respective organizations. You will leave ready to present your cause in a way that competes successfully with commercial equivalents.

Level: Advanced


May 25, 2017
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm